Why in the world did Samson let that woman…

Why in the world did Samson tell that woman she could cut off his hair and how is that relevant to me?

When reading the story of Samson, I’ve wondered, ‘Why in the world did he finally tell Delilah that she could cut his hair? What was that stupid guy thinking?”

Samson had a Nazarite vow on his life. One given by the Lord and forced on him by his parents, which he obviously rebelled against. There were three things he was supposed to do, or rather not do. Simply put, the vow included abstaining  from wine, not touching corpses, and not cutting the hair on one’s head. By the time that the hair cutting incident occurs Samson had already broken two of the three vows; he had touched a corpse, i.e. a dead lion and he had definitely drank plenty of wine – many times.

I think the conversation in Samson’s head went something like this, “I’ve broken two of the three vows and I still have my strength. It is my strength after all. I am strong. Look at these muscles. Even if I break all three vows, I will still have my strength.” – emphasis on MY! But what happened? Judges 16:20 tells us, “And she said, “The Philistines are upon you, Samson!” And he awoke from his sleep and said, “I will go out as at other times and shake myself free.” But he did not know that the Lord had left him.” Samson’s had bought the lie that his strength and his successfulness were of his own doing, but he came to an abrupt awakening; the strength he had was from God!

God delivers us and sets us on the path of victory but somewhere along the way we are tempted to make compromises to our convictions and behaviors and like Samson we start thinking, “Hey look, I still have my strength.

I haven’t prayed in a few weeks or even read the Word, (or whatever our compromise might be) and look at me, I’m still doing good! I’m pretty strong,” or, even as a TC staff members we can tend to think, “I’ve got this TC ministry thing figured out. I know how to do this.” “But he did not know that the Lord had left him,” and bam!; we hit a wall. And we wonder what happened?
God is our strength. It is God who saves us. It is God who will keep us. It is God who strengthens us and equips us with the fruit and gifts for ministry. He is the beginning and ending of our salvation and everything in between. Remember Philippians 4:13? –through Christ! I must stay dependent on him. He is the source of my gifts, my strengths and my success. I never reach a point where I am strong enough to do it on my own.

Father, may I never be tempted as Samson was to believe the strength to overcome is my own and think that I’ve got this Christian living thing or ministry thing figured out and think that I know how to do it. May I always stay intimately connected to you, with your life and strength flowing in me and through me.

1 Corinthians 1:26-31 | Psalm 138:3 | Matthew 19:26 | Ephesians 6:10 | Ephesians 3:16

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