Funding Your GSNL Student Curriculum

Funding your student curriculum is not an impossible task. With team strategy, prayer, and creativity you can develop a plan that will bring integrity and consistency to your student curriculum.

Discuss – Evaluate – Execute:

  • Review the attached forms and samples as well as the article with your discipleship team.
  • Strategize your student curriculum together.
  • Develop a full student curriculum plan for the full year program.
  • Identify and list the curriculum you choose to address your student needs.
  • Fill in the budget worksheet.
  • Strategize how to raise the funds.
  • Write out the plan, identifying:
    • Who will carry out the different responsibilities
    • The timeline and deadlines
    • Who will you ask for funding

Strategize – Plan – Pursue!

Example Completed Curriculum Budget Worksheet
Curriculum Budget Worksheet
Article: Strategically Plan and Budget Your Discipleship Curriculum
Light for the Lost info and Application
Article 1: Light for the Lost
Article 2: Light for the Lost

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