by Darren Reynolds, Executive Director in Morrow, Arkansas

Every Teen Challenge director knows how difficult it can be to find quality staff members. We also know the frustration of not being able to hire additional staff because of budget constraints. The Missionary Associate program with the Assemblies of God offers a possible solution to both of these problems.

Missionary Associates (MA’s) are volunteers who partner with missionaries and other Assemblies of God ministries (i.e. Teen Challenges) for a period of 1-2 years or longer. These individuals can function as full fledged staff members. Many of them possess greatly needed skills and can do many different types of work such as: office work, carpentry, street ministry, teaching, discipleship, etc. Beyond that, these individuals raise their own financial support and do not require the ministries to provide them with a salary.

The Missionary Associate program has been a great blessing to our center. We currently have two MA’s working with us at Teen Challenge Adventure Ranch. Jimmy & Yvonne Oakes have worked in a variety of ministries over the past 20 years. They worked extensively with Chi Alpha in Arkansas and recently returned from a two year assignment as Missionary Associates in Greece.

Jimmy and Yvonne applied to be missionary associates with Teen Challenge here in the United States. They then joined our center’s team and began working with us to establish Lifeline Connection groups in Arkansas. They also began working in our aftercare program and help us provide follow up services to our graduates. Jimmy teaches vocational classes, preaches in chapel, and helps with maintenance projects. Yvonne works several days a week in our office, assists with banquets and events, and has even helped with intake. Our ministry has benefited greatly from their work and service.

The Missionary Associate program is not new. It has been around for many years and benefited ministries around the world in the Assemblies of God. This amazing resource is available to Teen Challenge programs as well and may provide much relief to your center’s staffing needs. If you are interested in taking advantage of this program, you should take the following steps:

  • Determine how MA’s could benefit your center and create a list of jobs and descriptions of work to be done.
  • Notify the TC USA office that you have an opportunity for an MA
  • Contact US MAPS (Mission America Placement Service) to have the position listed nationally.
  • Promote opportunities for MA assignments on your website or through your printed materials.
  • Have interested persons fill out an MA application (Available from TC USA).

Once the applicant is approved, he/she will then raise their support from his/her home church, family, friends, and personal funds.

I hope that the MA program is a blessing to your center as it has been a blessing to ours.

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