Our Teen Challenge students have been told they aren’t good enough for God and that they’ve squandered too many opportunities. But they need help to look beyond their feelings and look to the truth of Scripture. They can have another chance because God never gives up on us or on them. In fact, He counted on the entire human race needing a do-over. That is why He sent Jesus Christ. With the love and favor of God, each day can be a new beginning.

As a pastor and Christian leader, Dr. Dan Erickson has nearly 40 years of experience helping people receive “do-overs” from God. He is not ashamed to admit to being the recipient of many fresh starts himself. Cathy Erickson founded a ministry to single mothers and has years of experience ministering to couples and families. With their combined experience, our Teen Challenge students will be shown that God loves do-overs! He planned to give each one of them a fresh start in life.

This book also includes a study guide that can be completed in five, seven, or thirteen weeks.

To learn more about Dr. Dan & Cathy Erickson’s ministry click here

Purchase your copy of the book and study guide today.

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