Coordinating an Effective Corrections Care Program

A tremendous opportunity abounds for all of us in Teen Challenge ministry to take our program & ministry to the local county corrections facility. A once-a-week ministry at the correctional facility can give us incredible evangelism ministry that may give us referrals for both our center and our local churches. Remember, we are talking about county corrections, not prison ministry. These are two different approaches.

No, our staff do not have time. Yet, a one hour weekly corrections ministry may be just what your staff need to keep perspective and sharpness for ministry. Rather than further drain our staff, it could be an encouragement to our front line staff.

Volunteers are key as well. This may be your best option if your staff have more than enough to do. Volunteers are a tremendous resource and help to your ministry, or should be! You have requirements for your volunteers, and so does the County Corrections. The volunteer coordinator, chaplain, or jailer will do a background check and continued training opportunities if your staff or volunteers are to go in and minister. An I.D. specific for your local jail will be required.

Effective Corrections Care ministry is focused on groups! We have the inmates sit in a circle, even if it is a large group and not a small group, open discussion is key to effectiveness. Once the group is seated, you lay out the ground rules for the group. You set the tone and you take control, if you don’t, someone else will! Everyone receives a Life-plan of Recovery, just the one sheet edition, that has a self-inventory and goal setting chart on the front, and the 5 Components of Recovery on the back. An explanation of how to earn a certificate of accomplishment is on the back as well as contact information, so there can be effective follow-up upon their release. The 5 Components of Recovery have scriptures with each, but can be explained in a more program oriented manner should your county corrections restrict a faith approach. The 5 Components are decision, positive peer choice, accountability, boundaries, & consistency.

Start with an explanation of the group’s purpose, which is encouragement & accountability. Then go on to share that it is a faith-based group, and everyone is welcome, even if they have doubts, which you can then share that everyone has! Then you give a very simple gospel message, such as Romans 3:23 & 24, justification by faith, “just as if I’ve never sinned!” We have the message & hope they desperately need.

Now it is time for a fun and relevant go-around question. This is the inmate’s opportunity to share! An example is, “your name, where your from, and what is your favorite sport & athlete?” Never go around the circle, let each share at their own comfort level! You may have inmates who don’t know how to read. Never put anyone on the spot!

Now it is time to go into a brief lesson, either using the 5 Components of Recovery, or any relevant topic that addresses life’s challenges Then concluding with a scriptural response. You do not have all the answers, but we can face this journey together with God’s grace & help!
Your conclusion will give the inmates an opportunity to respond. With every eye closed & head bowed, ask for a nod of the head for a commitment or recommitment. That may be all they can do at their comfort level. Giving information regarding the ministry of Teen Challenge or the Lifeline Connection groups and a local church contact will assist with follow-up, and they should be listed on the back of the Life-plan of Recovery.

Wayne Keylon has developed a corrections ministry that has been quite successful using the Living Free training and curriculum, with a strong mentoring component. His website is

Attention: Living Free has now completed a Start-Up & Procedures Manual specific for our Lifeline Connection and Community ministries. Please let me know if you would like a copy!

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