“I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.”

I kept repeating this over and over in my mind as I walked along the sharp, jagged, sometimes slippery rocks along the coastline of the Atlantic Ocean. My brother and I were walking from the cottage where our families were vacationing together to Pemaquid Point Lighthouse, about a two-hour walk.

We could have taken the conventional path by car but along the coast was adventure! More risky, yes, but we became aware of sights, sounds, and triumph that could not have been experienced in any other way.

Sometimes this is the way God directs us to go, in unconventional ways that seem beyond logic even from others who follow Christ. Sometimes God asks us to go in a direction that seems illogical, not the safe norm that others are convinced are the way for them, and everyone to go. I suppose Moses would have fit in that category of unconventional wisdom when he led the Children of Israel by way of the Red Sea to safety.

What is God whispering to your soul? What is He directing you to do that may seem a bit unconventional? It may take more grit and determination, it may take repeating over and over, “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” It may even take a coach that has your best interest at heart who comes along side and helps you keep focused on your goals.

Had I not had someone go with me on this trek, probabilities are I never would have gone. However, because I had someone walk with me on my journey, I got to see breathtaking sights and move forward in areas I never would have known. If you desire this kind of experience in your life or ministry, please contact me to have a safe confidential place to explore where God is leading you, perhaps beyond what you ever imagined.

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