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GSNL and PSNL have been the foundational curriculum of Teen Challenge for decades.
I have seen the evidence of their positive impact first-hand, first as a teacher for many years, then as a director for over 20 years and now traveling the country for over 10 years. I hear people say that student retention at their center is low, or they did this or that and increased student retention. Yet, at times, I find these same centers have not given proper time and attention to the PSNL and GSNL. When the Group Studies for New Life in Christ and the Personal Studies for New Life in Christ are implemented as designed, the potential for impact in the lives of your students is tremendous.

Here are a few best practices to consider if you want to raise the bar in the GSNL classroom.

  • The curriculum was not designed for students to be left alone to “self study.” The teacher should be engaging the students in the classroom with lecture, discussion, and activities that reinforce the manual and study guide.
  • No less than one hour per day, five times per week in a teacher lead classroom. (No pulling students out for work assignments all the time.)
  • No less than 4 hours per week for student study hall time. Students need to read the student manual and do the assignments in the study guide and memorize scriptures. This way they will be prepared to enter into discussion in the classroom.
  • Teachers need more than just classroom time to do the job well. Teachers need significant time built into their schedule for them to study and prepare their lessons, review student assignments, interact with students individually as needed and to grade and record tests.
  • Do not read from the Student Manual or Teacher Manual except for occasional quotes or references. Repeat after me “I will not read out of the student manual.” Repeat that one more time!
  • Give the students their own copy of the curriculum to write in and keep for themselves. They will use it for years to come.
  • Complete all 14 GSNL topics with every student.
  • Give each student their own copy of the Study Guide and the Student Manual for each lesson to keep for themselves.

The principles listed here also apply to other group topics that you choose to implement in the training phase of the program. There are many more that could be listed but these are foundational. We owe it to our students to give them our best.

Remember this: Discipleship is relational.

Discuss – Evaluate – Execute:

  • Score your ministry on a scale of 1-10 on each item listed above.
  • Which item received the lowest score?
  • Work with your team to develop a strategy to bring that item to a 10.
  • Begin working on the next lowest scoring item.

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