What do you do when you are in a group that is praying and someone is praying for a specific need? Do you simply wait quietly for your turn to pray? Or, is your heart and mind united in agreement with the person who is praying? Jesus challenges us to be in agreement:
“I also tell you this: If two of you agree here on earth concerning anything you ask, my Father in heaven will do it for you. For where two or three gather together as my followers, I am there among them.” – Matthew 18:19-20
I have a picture in my mind when I think of praying in agreement. The person praying is standing before the Father making his request. I and others come along side the one making the request, lock arms around each other and look at the Father and say ‘Yes, what he is asking is what we want as well.’ So now, rather than one person praying alone, it becomes many with one voice. The heart of the Father is moved by our unified heart and voice.
Because I see that picture in my head, if I am praying in a group, you will often hear me saying “Yes, Lord,” “may it be so Lord,” or some similar expression. Imagine an army of believers doing the same.
We join our hearts and minds with, our spouse, our staff team, our students, and our fellow believers and lift our voices in a unified prayer that will touch the heart of the Father.
May we come into agreement with God’s will. (1 John 5:14-15) Maybe our unified prayer is simply seeking God’s direction and will so that we can be unified and focused.
Try this – next time one of your students prays over a need in their lives, simply put your arm around them and speak words of agreement to the Father on their behalf.