We have had the basic Stay Sharp program for 4 years and we are hearing great reviews from centers who are using it in the schools in their area. With recent funding cuts to DARE and other drug prevention programs, many centers are finding that schools are open to having anti-drug presentations in assemblies and also in classroom settings. This is one more way for your center to share in your community how Teen Challenge can help break addictions.
Also look at Stay Sharp as a promotions tool. School students and staff will tell others about your students and their stories. It is a win-win tool for your center, your students, and for the schools.

The need for this program was made abundantly clear recently by a new survey.
In August, The National Center on Addiction Substance Abuse at Columbia University released their annual National Survey of American Attitudes on Substance Abuse. This year’s back to school survey shows that 86 percent of high school student say their classmates are using drugs, drinking and smoking during the school day and almost half know a student who sells drugs at their school.

For the first time more than half of private high school students said their school was “drug-infected,” a 50% increase over the past year. The gap between the private and public school is closing.

Stay Sharp is a flexible program that gives you the opportunity to add new statistics as you have your students give their testimonies. To help, I have collected a number of drug statistics and charts on a pinterest board at pinterest.com/tcpatty/drug-facts. The infographics are a different way to interest people in thinking about the problems with drugs and addiction.

Please use the Stay Sharp products with the students. Students are still wearing and collecting the silicone rubber bracelets. Using the Oath Cards is one tangible way to help students remember what they have seen in the video and their reaction to the presentation — another reminder that they do not want to take the same path as those in the video or as your students have depicted.

Please contact us and let us know how Stay Sharp is working for your center.
One center has now been asked to do parent presentations also — what a great opportunity!

If you have any questions about the Stay Sharp program please give us a call.

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