My dad passed away when he was only 58 years old. I was 38 at the time. The last months of his life I was wanting something from him, but I didn’t know what is was. When he found out he had cancer he started writing stories down that he could remember from his life. He would not let us read that journal while he was alive.

When he passed, the first thing I wanted to do was read that journal.  It was not long. I read it quickly. There were some fun stories and interesting ones I had never heard before. However, I was still empty after reading it; searching for something.

It took me a while to figure out what I was looking for, but I finally realized what it was. I was wanting him to speak a blessing  over me. I was wanting him to say that he was proud of me, that he believed in me. It wasn’t there — not in his last conversations with me or in his journal. At 38 years old I still needed to hear him say it and to speak blessing into my life, but it did not happen

I don’t think I am alone. I think we all want and need to hear it. Many of our students have had little or no blessing spoken into their lives, no one who stood beside them and believed in them. Instead, they have often had the opposite — negative, abusive words that have discouraged and broken them, diminishing their self-image and confidence. And the negative talk reverberates in their minds and in their hearts. This is from the enemy; his desire is to keep them defeated and unsuccessful,  wallowing in defeat, never reaching their full potential.

When students arrive in Teen Challenge, they should not have to endure further negative speech that demeans them, but rather words that bring grace, healing, encouragement. I have seen students’ eyes fill with tears as grace-filled words are spoken to them. We must believe in them (as God does) more than they often believe in themselves. We must be possibility-focused and not problem-focused!

Use praise to encourage. A firm handshake, with a straight look in the eye and a warm and affirming countenance, lets them know you mean it. Speak clearly. Be genuine. Be specific. Praise, blessing, and encouragement flow out of us naturally and genuinely when we begin to see the untapped potential buried inside each student. We must see them as God sees them.

The impact of speaking blessing into someone’s life can be powerful.  When you read the Old Testament you see how important it was. Jacob stole Esau’s blessing, and the consequences have endured for centuries. One of the most powerful things you will ever do for your students (and most likely fellow staff members as well) is to sincerely speak blessing into their lives.
Ephesians 4:29 says, “Let everything you say be … helpful, so that your words will be an encouragement to those who hear them.”

Think about it

  • What are you saying to your students?
  • Why are we often so negligent  to speak encouragement, praise, and blessing over our students?
  • Do you have scriptural blessings and encouragements you can speak into their lives?
  • What are some words of blessing that have been spoken to you that have impacted your life?

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