Radio Spots

One of the resources we offer our centers is ready-to-go radio PSAs. Our 30 and 60-second radio PSAs come in both faith-based and general formats. They feature student testimonies and, for Christian stations, Christian music artist and ministry leader endorsements.

Subscribe to receive monthly radio spots in your inbox

How to use:

  • Listen to and choose the PSAs which best fit the stations with which you’re working.
  • Download and store your PSAs on a cloud-based service likeDropbox, Google Drive, etc.
    • We recommend making a folder for each month of the year. Put 5 PSAs in each folder and organize folders by formats or recipients.
  • Contact your local radio stations.
    • A sample prompt sheet is provided below to help with the conversation.
    • Set up an appointment to meet with the station manager or program director to share your PSAs.
  • Once stations agree to play the PSAs, ask if they want you to send them a link to the PSAs.
  • Build and maintain your station relationships.
    • You may want to offer students from your center to volunteer for station projects like fundraisers and charity drives.
    • Don’t forget to call twice a year to see if they have any comments, questions or concerns.