Remembering Brother Dave with Frank Reynolds

Frank Reynolds was happily serving as pastor of El Bethel Assembly of God on Staten Island, New York, when a fellow minister called. “Brother Frank, have you seen the paper?”
That day in 1958 was the beginning of an amazing journey of faith.

Rev. Reg Yake, a local pastor, invited 200 area ministers to a meeting to discuss how they could help David Wilkerson and his street ministry. Only 20 of the 200 showed up, but it is amazing how God has always been able to get along with 10 percent! Frank attended and those 20 men pledged $5 per week to support David Wilkerson so he could continue the ministry.
Frank describes his first meeting with David Wilkerson:

I was introduced to this courageous young man by Reg Yake and saw a thin, wiry man of medium height, with blond hair and nice, but unassuming looks. But when I looked into his eyes, I felt, rather than saw, the burning flame and passion of a warrior who had been given a vision from God. When I grasped his hand in mine, I somehow knew that this meeting was ordained of God and that my life would be intertwined with his.
I knew I had met my destiny. When I left the meeting, I knew that the supernatural hand of God had allowed and inspired that dramatic moment for a great ministry. I had no concept how large it would be!

Frank was on the original Teen Challenge Board and helped to build what Dave dreamed. Dave had a unique quality — he listened to God.

It was kind of scary, he would say God told me this, God told me that. But time after time, it was proved true. When they wanted to purchase property in Rehrersburg, Dave put out a fleece. At a church service in Pennsylvania he told 65 people the dream and asked for an offering. He knew he needed $4,000, but he did not tell the church members the amount needed, he only asked that they give what God spoke to them. The offering was $4,000 and the first 17 acres was purchased.

When asked what he learned from Dave, Frank replied, “Take chances! Sometimes the Lord doesn’t have to speak to you; you just feel what to do. It will blow your mind what the Lord can do.”

One of Frank’s favorite memories of Dave was when Dave produced a record album to help with the fundraising for the Training Center. The only problem was that Dave preached as if it were a reality. Frank approached him, “I can’t sell it, it’s not reality.” Dave replied, “Once I see it, it’s done. It’s in your hands.” Dave had faith in God to provide for the vision and faith that Frank was the man to bring the vision to reality.

One of the many examples of Dave’s generosity was after Frank had moved to Springfield and taken a position at Assembly of God headquarters as the first National Teen Challenge Representative. Frank had been in Springfield for less than one year when he suffered a heart attack. After a two-week stay in the hospital, he was told to stay at home for three months. At the time Frank and Gladys had three boys in college, two more at home and finances were tight. He had two days sick leave and three days of vacation. He would receive no salary if not working. He prayed and assured Gladys not to worry, “I know God will take care of us somehow as He always has.” At that moment he would never have dreamed how.

The next day Gladys arrived at the hospital, smiling. “Dave called and said he had heard that you were in the hospital and could not work for three months. He said to tell you not to worry. He would send you $200 a week until you could go back to work.” Again, Dave heard from God, at that time $200 was nearly a week’s salary.

When asked how to sum up David Wilkerson, Frank said, “Dave had a passion for lost souls.” That has been a common thread throughout his ministries. David Wilkerson wanted people to know God.

Frank Reynolds is the first National Teen Challenge Representative, and former center director.

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