Remembering Brother Dave with Chuck Redger

“Oh, how I love Jesus, oh, how I love Jesus.”

We had just arrived at 416 Clinton Avenue, Brooklyn, New York, and David Wilkerson walked in the dining room where the summer workers of 1962 gathered for lunch. Brother Dave, as we called him, led in that chorus. We sang it often. We soon realized it was his favorite chorus. It depicted his life — it was really “where his head and heart were at.” It proved to be an exciting summer, especially for this “Kansas farm boy.”

David Wilkerson made an indelible impression on my wife Judy and me. His inspiration was what God used to direct our lives into Teen Challenge in which we were to spend 47 years serving Him. Brother Dave believed in people. We have seen and experienced his generous heart. He would build facilities for his ministry and then sell them for pennies on the dollar to another ministry then rebuild someplace else following the leading of the Holy Spirit.

Brother Dave had no way of knowing that first trip he made to New York City would be the beginning of a world-wide movement that is still growing today. He just obeyed God. He served the One who “already had in mind what he was going to do” (John 6:6).

World Challenge published a tribute and quoted Brother Dave’s last blog:

Brother Dave’s final blog posting, titled “When All Means Fail,” is a fitting word of departure to all whose lives he touched: “Beloved, God has never failed to act but in goodness and love. When all means fail, His love prevails. Hold fast to your faith. Stand fast in his word. There is no other hope in this world.”

Let us be in prayer for his wife, Gwen, injured in that fatal accident, and family. A great warrior has gone home.

Chuck Redger is a former volunteer and Teen Challenge director.

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