All Teen Challenge Centers need more positive “press” in their communities; everyone needs to work to keep “Teen Challenge” in the minds and hearts of potential donors and volunteers. We at Teen Challenge USA want to help you with this task.

One way to receive “free” print space involves writing Opinion Letters of Letters to the Editor. These need to be “newsworthy,” not just bragging about your ministry, to ensure that your local paper will want to run your letter. These letters or articles can be used as blog posts, or news items on your website. Some of the ideas will also work well in fundraising letters. Topics could include:

  • A response to a current story in the news
  • Announce or comment on any new study or report regarding drug abuse, (e.g. The new SAMHSA study released recently).
  • Seasonal Issues:
    • January is National Blood Month and National Soup Month. Share a story about students donating blood, or helping with a blood drive. For Soup Month share some recipes for soup for a crowd, but include regular family portion also.
    • February is Heart Month. A story could be written about the “heart change” that takes place in our students; or about physical fitness efforts at your center.
    • February 12-18, 2012 in Children of Alcoholics Week. This is a great opportunity for an article or letter about the hardships that student’s children have survived and the hope for a new life. Another angle would be from student’s points of view that had alcoholic parents and is working to break the cycle.
    • March 20, the first day of Spring. This is a great time to talk about new hope. Just as a flower unfurls from a bulb buried in the dirt,  our students are reaching out to a new life.
    • April is National Alcohol Awareness Month and Child Abuse Prevention Month
    • August has National Thrift Shop Day and National Radio Day
    • September is National Recovery Month.
    • October is National Medicine Abuse Awareness Month and Red Ribbon Week October 23-31.
    • November is Indian Heritage Month and Adoption Month.
    • December is International Human Rights Day and National Disabilities Awareness Month.

I hope this give you ideas for writing and publicizing Teen Challenge.

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