“Prepare the way for the Lord . . .”

“Prepare the way for the Lord, make straight paths for him” – Mark 1:3

How can we cultivate an atmosphere in our ministries where the Holy Spirit is free to work in the lives of our students? Here are a few ideas to get the discussion going.

Intercession. I believe praying for our students is our most crucial responsibility. Psalm 126:5-6 “Those who plant in tears will harvest with shouts of joy. They weep as they go to plant their seed, but they sing as they return with the harvest.”

Attentiveness. Be interested in them. We must listen with undivided attention, i.e. no smart phones please!

  • Look in their eyes. Don’t stare, but maintain healthy eye contact.
  • Make sure your feet are pointed at them, or nearly at them, not away from them.
  • In your own words, reflect back to them what you hear them saying.

Empathy. Empathy is simply the ability to understand their view and feelings. Withhold judgement, even though you may not agree with them.

Respect. Don’t demand it, earn it. That’s God’s creation you’re talking to.

Be Authentic. Be willing to admit when you have made a mistake. Share your stories of failure and growth and how God has worked in your life. How about asking them to pray with or for you regarding an issue in your life?

Physical Affection. If a hug is not appropriate, a hand on their shoulder or a pat on the back may be.

Volunteer. Offer help. When you see someone struggling, simply ask, “Is there anything I can do to help?” There may not be anything you can do, but that simple act goes a long way in building report.

Prioritize. Don’t compromise the time for discipleship class, prayer, chapel and counseling. Make them the priority other things are built around.

Pause. Take time for discipleship moments when they happen. Speak the truth in love. 2 Timothy 2:24-26

Laugh. Laughter is the quickest way to build a relational bond.

Build-up. Celebrate the victories. Look for opportunities to encourage and speak blessing into the lives of your students.

Have a staff discussion to add ideas to this list. Send me your ideas. Choose one from the list that you need to develop and set goals to move forward in that area.

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