Policies and Procedures, not Excuses

My last article talked about a Vigorous Gratitude Program. (VGP) Have you added any new ideas to your plan for thanking donors? Before you get too far with the new ideas, be sure your basic plan is in place. Do you struggle to get donor receipts out within 48 hours? You’re not alone. There always seem to be a “hang-up” in the best plans.

Sometimes they are beyond your control, but examine the system in place and make changes where necessary to ensure the process that all donor receipts get out within the 48 hour window!

If everyone in your organization that touches donations doesn’t buy-in to the 48 hour rule, it won’t work. There’s a reason it’s an industry best practice. If the donor is wondering if you got their gift, they are also wondering how you run your ministry. Is it worth giving to? Sometimes the first gift is just a test.

Develop policies and procedures for receipt letter being in the mail in 48 hours (gleaned from Claire at www.clarification.com)

  • Does someone pick up the mail every morning, or when they get time?
    •   The mail was late isn’t a good excuse. 
  • Is opening the mail a priority? Does it sit on someone’s desk if they are out of the office?
    • They were sick, and we didn’t know you had given is not a good excuse.
  • Where do the checks go? Do they go to accounting or development? If they go to accounting, is there a rule that all deposits are made daily and copies of checks to development the same day? Is there backup for absent staff? Are deposits and copies getting to development a priority?
    • We were too busy last week is not a good excuse.
  • Are credit cards processed daily and reported to development?
    • Credit cards take longer to process is not a good excuse.
  • Are steps in place in development for receipts to be the top priority of a staff so they can be printed that day?
    • There were other things that had to be done is not a good excuse.
  • Who adds personal notes and a signature?
    • The director was on vacation is not a good excuse.
  • Are your envelopes and inserts ready for the receipt letters?
    • We ran of out inserts is not a good excuse.
  • You think you are finished? But does the mail sit until the next day to be picked up? Assign someone to drop the mail off at a box that will be picked up that evening.
    • The person forgot to take the mail is not a good excuse.

As you see, there are several places that can slow down the process; just assigning someone to pickup and drop off the mail can gain two days or 48 hours in your process. See what you can change to insure your receipts are out the door in 48 hours. Your donors will appreciate you!.

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