Partnering with Citygate Network for Student Employment Readiness Training

by Toni Johnson, Mid-Michigan Adult & Teen Challenge (MMATC)

Approximately two years ago, I had a meeting with the CEO of Rescue Missions of Mid-Michigan. They are in the Citygate Network. Dan Streeter, the CEO, offered us what I considered a win-win opportunity. He would refer students to us that would benefit from substance abuse treatment and in turn MMATC could enroll interns, students or graduates into their employment readiness training program and placement called SAVE.

SAVE (Spiritually Accountable, Vocationally Equipped) trains individuals in the transitional process. This was the missing piece that I believe our program needed. We have ministry training through our district A/G for graduates that want to continue in the ministry. But a high percentage of our graduates would return to the same environment with no employment. According to our local drug court judge, most of the drug court graduates that relapsed were because of surroundings and lack of opportunity. Oftentimes, we experienced this same obstacle, returning to the same environment.

I believe that our work program is successful because of the SAVE program offered through our local Citygate Network. It is a Christian based eight-week program that trains individuals in resumes, interviews and job training. All our students that enrolled in the SAVE program have acquired jobs. Not only jobs, but they have acquired careers. The SAVE program also provides them with rides to and from work, for a minimal charge which has been a huge blessing.

One of our greatest ministry assets is our students. They continue to amaze me with their testimonies not only in their family, but in their work place and even in the SAVE program. Their work-ethics and godly character qualities shine. One of our program graduates, Marcia, is serving as the assistant to the Executive Director at our local Citygate Network member, Hope Missions.

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