My Hope Resources Making An Impact

Riverside Teen Challenge in Riverside, California held a “Billy Graham Family Picnic Day” on a Saturday in November of 2013. Andrew Ferguson, Dean of Students, shared the exciting account of the event. Through a Matthew Party event, thirty students were trained and asked to write down ten names of lost friends and family members they could invite to the Picnic Day. Normally students are not allowed to have any contact with old friends, but this occasion was considered an exception and a total of 129 people showed up for the actual event.

Hamburgers, hotdogs and fries were served in conjunction with great fellowship. Before entering into the chapel to present the My Hope Ministry, each student shared with their families that they were overcoming their addiction and experiencing new life. This part of the evening was intentionally and strategically designed to begin preparing the hearts of those in attendance for the showing of Defining Moments program. Once the program was shown in the chapel, two students shared their testimony of how Christ had worked in their lives; how He had cleansed them and made them new creations. A Riverside staff member then stood and gave an invitation for those who wanted to experience that same life change to come forward and proclaim their faith. A total of 15 people made first time, public decisions for Christ. Andrew and his team handed out Living in Christ (a My Hope follow up piece), Bibles, and encouraged them to get plugged into a local church.

Andrew already has a second event planned for November 15, 2014. Each year, a set of 150 brand new students come through the Riverside Teen Challenge. He has decided to make My Hope part of every student’s evangelism and discipleship process. Each set of students will be trained and asked to invite people to an event, just like the 2013 Matthew Party event students invited family and friends.

Executive Director, David Hubbard of Teen Challenge Sonrise Ranch in Oklahoma, shared that they showed The Cross during their Thanksgiving “Family Day” service last year. As a result, three people made first time decisions for Christ. Those who accepted Christ were family members of the students; one being a parent of a student. These individuals received counseling and encouragement to become involved in a local church. They also showed Defining Moments during their graduation service this year in the summer. There were 200 in attendance and 11 people made decisions for Christ including at least three first time decisions. David and Sonrise Ranch plan to continue participating in My Hope in the future.

My Hope with Billy Graham representatives hosted a booth at the 2014 Teen Challenge Connect Conference in Nashville, Tennessee. While there, they were able to connect with several Teen Challenge leaders, including John Dunn from the Teen Challenge center in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. After hearing about My Hope for the first time at the conference, John quickly decided he would share it as soon as he got back to his center. He held a showing of Defining Moments for his group of adult men on July 17, 2014.

A new student that had checked into the center while he had been away at the conference, made a first time decision for Christ after the showing. John and the center that he leads have always done promotion and fundraising by going to various churches in their area and sharing about Teen Challenge and its purpose.

On July 20th John incorporated the showing of Defining Moments, during church services. Following the program, the Teen Challenge choir sang Amazing Grace and seven people came forward to make first time decisions for Christ, along with several other rededication decisions. John said, “It was a powerful night at the altar, filled with people being prayed over.”

These are just a few stories from Teen Challenge Centers that have participated in My Hope. To learn more information and get your center involved in My Hope 2014 with Billy Graham, simply visit

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