How healthy is your cast?

In the last newsletter: The Center Whole of Teen Challenge, I wrote that “The structure of our programs are nothing more than temporary external constraints creating a safe environment; much like a cast provides protection so that a broken arm can heal properly.”

The question is, “How healthy is your cast?”

Consider the cast set on a broken arm for a moment. I am no doctor, but I think we all know that several things need to be in order if a broken arm is going to heal properly while “stuck” in the cast for several weeks. The broken bone needs to have been set correctly in position. There should be no infections where the skin may have been torn. The cast must be set properly to keep the bones aligned accurately. And, you need to ensure that the cast is not too soft or wet and soggy.

Does the cast heal the arm? NO! Does the cast create a safe environment where proper healing can take place? YES, IF all the important factors are met. If not, watch out! I know of people who had emergency “medical procedures” performed on them with less trained physicians in inadequate settings who ended up being required to live the rest of their lives with a limp.

I assumed the leadership of a ministry at one point that I knew was unhealthy. I encouraged people not to send their loved one to us for help. The existing environment was creating more damage than healing. It took significant change before I felt and recommended otherwise.
The men and women who enter our centers are lives that have been broken by sin and addiction; beat up by the world; abuse and neglect. They should be entering a structure and environment that is conducive to healing; not one that is creating more damage.

The TC residential ministry is a “cast” for broken lives. How healthy is our cast? How healthy is the program culture and environment? Our minds may initially go to the rules and policies. These are very important and the motives and goals of each rule and policy should be evaluated for health. However, that is only a small part of a healthy program environment.

What about:

  • The spiritual environment and health of our ministry?
  • The individual staff attitude and disposition?
  • The staff team disposition?
  • The aesthetic environment?

If we have a dysfunctional ministry; if our cast is not set right, we are only adding further to the abuse and negativity in our students lives. Some students will see us in a negative light no matter how great things are, even if we are Jesus with a PHD. But, our goal and practices must be strategically and intentionally healthy, not haphazard and dysfunctional.

Click here to read the other articles in this series

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