Legacy: Work Long Hours. Don't Take a Day Off.

Working long hours and not taking a day off or vacation seems to be a badge of honor for some TC staff members. More by actions than words, we tell ourselves and others things such as:

  • If you don’t work 70 hours a week you’re a lazy Christian.
  • Burn out for Jesus!
  • Everyone is depending on me.
  • If I don’t do it everything will fall apart.

We are doing no one a favor by pushing ourselves relentlessly. by The truth is when if we don’t take rest, take time to recharge and rest every area of our lives begins to suffer.

  • We suffer:
    • Physically – the stress and deprivation of rest affects our health.
    • Emotionally – you feel increasingly overwhelmed and negative emotional reactions increase
    • Spiritually – our intimacy with God and sensitivity to the Holy Spirit wanes. We become more susceptible to temptation.
    • Mentally – clarity of thought and the ability to focus diminishes
  • Relationships suffer:
    • We neglect the ones we love. Friendships become distant. Students become annoyances.
    • Ministry effectiveness suffers- all our extra hours and labor only decreases our impact
    • Our influence is lost or worse, is negative influence – this is the point that ties it together with legacy. We are modeling for our students the kind of lifestyle that a Christian should live.

We teach our students about being good spouses and parents. We teach about Sabbath and finding rest in God. We teach them about a balanced healthy lifestyle. But, what do we model? What we model is what we are REALLY teaching. That will be our legacy.

Discuss – Evaluate – Execute:

  • Do you take your day off?
  • Do you take vacation?
  • Do you find regular quiet time with God?
  • Do you spend time with your family?
  • Do you have hobbies and recreation that fuel your tank?
  • Are you regularly working less than 50 hours a week?
  • Develop a plan of action for any question that you answered “no” to.

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