Legacy: Leave a Legacy of Faith

Walking down a dirt road in the middle of nowhere, in the dark of night, all alone, crying out loud to God with a prayer that sounded much like one of David’s Psalms, I had one of the transformational breakthrough moments in my journey of faith: “Where are you God?” I asked. “Have you forgotten me? I’m dry and empty. I don’t feel your presence.” In response to that, I felt God ask me, “What do I owe you?” I knelt down and began to weep. “You owe me nothing! You already gave it all. I owe you everything. If I never sense your presence again, I owe you everything. If I never see another life changed or never see a miracle, I still owe you everything! I owe you my life!”

That was a moment of deeper surrender and trust; a moment of surrendering yet another personal right to God. God has blessed me and touched me many times since that time, but not because He owes me anything, but because I’m His child and He loves me. Even as I tell that story again, it stirs it new and fresh in my heart and awakens my spirit. “I love you Father!”

That is just one of my personal stories; there are many more stories of how God has worked in my life, and I’ve seen Him work in the lives of others. It’s not just my salvation story. You have many stories of your personal encounters with God, your salvation, and of His supernatural provision. Stories of how you have personally seen Him impact the lives of family members, friends, and students. Secondhand stories are good, but a personal experience is much better; you’ve been there and experienced it and you can tell all the details and how it impacted you.

Journal those encounters with God, those breakthrough moments,  when they happen so that you don’t forget them. Journal your personal stories and the stories you personally experience. Then, tell your stories. Tell them in the classroom, tell them in chapel, tell them in personal conversations and counseling as they relate to the issues at hand. “How do you know Jesus is real? How is he real to you? You have stories to tell, stories about your personal encounters with Jesus, to those who need to know he’s real so that they too can experience his presence, power and love! Your life change can help facilitate the same change in the lives of others.” Tell your stories!

Discuss – Evaluate – Execute:

  • Take a moment in a staff meeting to have each staff member share a story of a personal encounter with God. It will encourage and bless everyone!
  • Buy a journal. It does not have to be fancy. I personally like a journal that lays open well, making it easier to write in.
  • Write down all the stories – personal experiences – from your past and stories that you have seen firsthand in the lives of others. You were there and saw it.
  • Write down new stories as soon as they occur so you won’t forget them.
  • Tell the stories! Leave a Legacy of faith!

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