Legacy: Discipleship is On the Job Training

I walked into a fast food restaurant and behind the register stood a nervous teenager who knew nothing about customer service, the menu, or how to work the register. Beside this frightened kid stood another teenager, only slightly more experienced, telling them every single thing to do, what to say and which buttons to push. On the job training. The term apprentice is used for someone who is working alongside and learning a trade from someone who is an expert at a trade or skill they want to master.

Discipleship has some similarities. We need classroom discipleship; learning the principles of the Word of God and how those scriptures are relevant to daily life is foundational. And the reality of God’s truth is lived out in everyday life. Not only is it important for students to learn how to apply the truths of the Word to their lives, but they must see it in action. Jesus didn’t sit by the sea teaching, tell the disciples to go do something, and then come back to tell him what happened (except for one occasion and that was after they had observed him doing it). No, he walked with them for three years; he modeled how to live the life. The disciples of Jesus had on the job training; they were apprentices.

“Follow my example, as I follow the example of Christ.” I Corinthians 11:1 NIV

“Don’t let anyone think less of you because you are young. Be an example to all believers in what you say, in the way you live, in your love, your faith, and your purity.” 1 Timothy 4:12 NLT

At every part of the day modeling is taking place by the staff:

  • Wake-up
  • Devotions
  • The classroom and chapel
  • Meals
  • Work
  • Recreation
  • Free time

In every situation modeling is taking place by the staff:

  • Our attitude towards authority
  • How we handle a bad situation
  • How we handle a bad day
  • How we handle a negative person
  • How we handle conflict
  • What we do with our free time
  • How we treat others
  • How we treat our spouse
  • How we treat our children
  • How we pray
  • How we exhibit faith
  • ………….

This list can go on and on. The truth is we are modeling how to do it, for good or bad. But it is not a matter of trying to do better. It is a matter of us recognizing our specific weaknesses and surrendering them to God and praying for the strength of the Spirit to flow through us in ever greater measure of his fruit and life flowing through us.

Discuss – Evaluate – Execute:

  • Is God speaking to you about a specific area of your life that you need to recommit to Christ?
  • What is that area?
  • Surrender it to the Lord and pray for his guidance to grow in this area of your life.
  • Discuss your specific weakness with someone you’ve observed to do well in that area. Learn from them.

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