How to Post Job Listings on the ATC HQ Website

Adult & Teen Challenge centers can post job listings on the national website.

Note: After a new listing is submitted, it must be approved by a site admin. This can take up to 2 business days. Once the listing is approved, it will be active for 30 days. The user will receive an email before the listing expires and have an option to renew. If the listing is not renewed within 15 days after it expires, it will be deleted from the system.

Navigate to the “Job Listings” page on

Click on “Post New Listing” in the menu bar.

If you have posted listings on the site since Spring of 2018, you can log into the same account you are used to using. If not, click “Create an account” underneath the login form.

Once logged in, you can post a new listing.

Fill out the relevant information and click “Place Listing”. Once submitted, the listing will be reviewed by an admin and go live within 2 business days.

Use the “Manage My Listings” menu link to view your open listings. From that screen you can delete or renew listings.

If you have any problems or questions, email

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