Formula for Success

“I will give thanks to you, LORD, with all my heart; I will tell of all your wonderful deeds.” Psalm. 9:1  

What a perfect verse for those of us working in fundraising or promoting the ministry of Teen Challenge.  It is so important to come before God with a grateful heart. Reality is that often times the busyness and pressures of life make it hard to come to God just to pause and give thanks. There are those times when we’re struggling, weary or He seems far away. Life may deal us painful losses, and we feel like the light at the end of the tunnel is fading.  

But when we come to the Creator of the universe, our Father, with a prayer of thanksgiving, He will change us. He will change our attitudes and hearts.  

Approach your fundraising efforts the same way, praise God for the gifts He’s given and do your best to tell the stories of His miracles in the lives of your students. Always be ready with a story: on social media, appeal letters, business meetings, thank you letters, newsletters, blogs, and chance meetings. Become the best at telling God’s stories, be a Teen Challenge ambassador to all you meet.  

Psalms 9:1 sums up perfectly the formula for success in fundraising and promotions — Thank God and tell of His miraculously changed lives of your students!         

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