I was recently setting in the pastor’s Wednesday night Bible study at the church I attend when my spirit was quickened. I was soaking in the great teaching as we dug into the Word of God. I was convicted, I was challenged, I was refreshed.  I  found myself thinking, “This is great. I need to be fed. I need to be nourished.

To nourish is defined as: to supply with what is necessary for life, health, and growth. To strengthen, build up, promote.

As a staff member sowing into the lives of others (most with intense problems), are you yourself being spiritually nourished? NEVER believe that you have arrived and think you have all you need for effective ministry. There is always more to learn; there is always a deeper level of spiritual strength. You need to be fed. Giving from an empty spiritual tank, our ministry will be fruitless.

How are you continually being spiritually nourished?

Identify and engage with what refuels your heart, mind, and spirit; your relationship with God.

  • Sabbath: Click here for a previous article on this topic.
  • Digging into the Word of God for yourself (not for your students).
  • Setting under a Bible teacher that inspires you to grow and dig deeper.
  • Purposeful, intentional Christ centered relationships – relationships with mutual encouragement, energizing and exhorting. (Eph. 4:11-16)

A nourished life is:

  • First and foremost more intimate with Jesus
  • Refueled – we are able to serve from a core of spiritual strength and produce true Spirit fruit.
  • Has fresh vision
  • New insight and ideas
  • More joyful and peaceful (even in the midst of trial)

Think about it – What refuels you? What 3 simple steps can you take THIS WEEK to begin developing healthy spiritual nourishment?

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