David vs. Goliath or Strength vs. Weakness

In the book, Strengths Quest: Discover and Develop Your Strengths in Academic, Career and Beyond, it states, “A proper “fit” between an individual’s strengths and task at hand is essential.”* Knowing and working from our strengths is basic in achieving success. “Top achievers in virtually every profession, career, and field of achievement all build their lives upon their talents.”* The Gallup Organization concluded this after they had done millions of interviews with various individuals.

David had discovered his strength early on when he was only a shepherd boy. He had kept his flock safe from wild animals who would have destroyed them. He tested, practiced and proved this strength over and over again. But David also knew where his strength lay, in God Almighty. So when he came upon this malevolence between Goliath and the Children of Israel, he put his talent to use and succeeded in saving God’s army.

He built his existence around this “talent”, and he was successful in his lifetime because of it. He never doubted this strength even though he made some very unwise choices along the way. But because he knew his strength and acted accordingly, perhaps this is one reason why… “God testified concerning him: I have found David son of Jesse, a man after my own heart; he will do everything I want him to do.” Acts 13:22

I wonder if David was not so much aware of his strength as his weakness; but he knew who to turn to when he was weak. Perhaps he along with Paul, would have said … “for when I am weak, then am I strong”.… II Corinthians 12:10.

David succeeded in his attempt to rid the Children of Israel of this bully and nuisance because of acting upon his belief. The army of Israel had the same strength at their disposal, however they did not use it because they did not believe. They instead listened to the taunts and feared the fierce looks of the giant who stood before them. They did not remember nor rely on how God Almighty had delivered them in times past.

The giant Goliath also came to his demise because of his unawareness of his lack of strength. No doubt his size, bullying tactics, both verbal and visual, had served him well for most of his life. But he was unaware of where his weakness lay or he could have prevented his death that day.

The strength that David had did not come in physical stature, it was an undeniable,
impenetrable trust in the Almighty God. David did not trust in his own strength. He trusted God alone, and this “talent” is what allowed him to succeed during his lifetime.

No matter what other strengths, gifts and talents we may have. The one that David used is always an appropriate *“fit” for the *“task at hand.” Know without a doubt that the God whom you serve is there to be your strength when the conflicts, aggressions and bullies come. So that we can say along with David, Paul and the rest of the saints, …

“when I am weak, then am I strong.”

*Clifton, Donald O. Ph.D & Anderson, Edward “Chip”. StrengthsQuest: Discover And Develop Your Strengths in Academics, Career, and Beyond Washington, D.C..: Gallup Organization, 2001-2004 print. pp.11-12 http://www.strengthsquest.com

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