All quotes are from The Advantage by Patrick Lencioni

Trust, Conflict, Commitment, Accountability are all leading to one thing – effective ministry resulting in changed lives. That is the result or outcome we are looking for. The result that the business world is looking for is increased profits. In TC ministry, results can be harder to quantify and we can have the tendency to say, “The results are up to the Lord,” and that is true. I often say, “We cannot ‘born again anyone’.” That is the Holy Spirit’s job. Thank you Lord! However, we are given a calling, along with gifts, and responsibilities for which we strive to honor God with. We can identify realistic ministry results (outcomes) that determine the direction and culture of our ministry.

We have to keep the ministry organization results (mission and purpose) front and center, steering the ship. Your individual or department goals must fit within the larger goals or be set aside if they do not mesh with the ministry goals.

“When it comes to how a cohesive team measures its performance, one criterion sets it apart from noncohesive ones: its goals are shared across the entire team. The only way for a team to really be a team and to maximize its output is to ensure that everyone is focused on the same priorities – rowing in the same direction.”

“There is no getting around the fact that the only measure of a great team – or a great organization – is whether it accomplishes what it sets out to accomplish.”

“Team members who trust one another, engage in conflict around ideas, gain commitment to decisions, and hold one another accountable are more likely to set aside their individual needs and agendas and focus on achieving collective results. They do not give in to the temptation to place their departments, career aspirations, or ego-driven status ahead of the collective results that define team success.”

Work supervisors, direct care staff, teachers, fundraisers, admin, directors — are we all rowing on the same team in the same direction?

LEADER’S ROLE:   Focus on team outcomes (results). Don’t allow the fury of the urgent to overwhelm and drown the focus.

Think about it

  • With your team, brainstorm every possible kind of result in the scope of TC ministry?
  • Here are a few ideas to get the juices flowing if you get stuck:  changed lives, impacted families, successful grads, well executed fundraising events, profitable micro-businesses, household name in community – positive reputation, effective classroom and counseling, seamless admissions process, salvation, water baptism, Holy Spirit baptism, tangible expressions of fruit and gifts of the Spirit, low student turnover percentage, low staff turnover percentage……(your team can come up with more measurable results.
  • Choose one result as the top priority to focus on.
  • Develop an action plan that includes assigned responsibilities and deadlines.
  • Develop a timeline with an end date.
  • How will results be measured?
  • What distractions will want to overtake the outcomes (results) we are wanting?
  • What can we do to mitigate these distractions? 

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