Wait! I’m having a déjà vu, because I am sure I’ve written “this is my last Connections article” before! So once more with gusto: this is my last Connections article. After serving as Interim President for the past nineteen months, I am excited for you to get acquainted with our new President Elect, Dr. Joe Batluck. I am also honored to have worked with our outstanding TCUSA staff as they serve you. I look forward to a smooth transition as Dr. Batluck takes the helm!

In his inaugural address, JFK challenged America to “ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country,” a challenge that can easily be transferred to our ministry. Yes, our organization exists to serve, but we serve best when we partner with each other. As I review my thirty-three years at Teen Challenge, staff who came ready to partner with us – those who put their talents, energies, and hearts into the ministry and those we invested in through training, opportunities, and camaraderie – helped to build a strong ministry.

It is that spirit of partnership – the local programs ready to partner with the national office – that will help us continue to build a strong ministry. This year’s conference theme is “Connect to Each Other – Together We are Stronger.” This isn’t a slogan – it’s what is necessary for Teen Challenge to move forward as partners who invest in each other. Local programs and the national office are a team.

We work toward the same goals in the most effective ways possible so that the work load is shared and the mission is accomplished.

So how can you help make TCUSA better so that they make you better?

  • Support TCUSA above the minimum fees that are required. As a U.S. Missionary, you can give half of your tithes to TCUSA. Your personal giving and your program giving means that you are investing in the larger mission – one that you have partnered with to give you resources that have been made possible by your investment in the national office.
  • Invest your time and the time of your staff to work on our committees. Yes, we all have more work than hours in the day and I understand this is a sacrifice, but Teen Challenge is full of talented, creative people who have a lot to offer as TCUSA develops training, curriculum, accreditation, and media production. Investing time and talent in TCUSA means we can move several projects forward, such as staff training and myTC.
  • Share what works for you with the national office. You are on the front line and there is no need to reinvent a wheel if you’ve found a way that works. We’ll take your best practices and share your expertise for others to use.
  • If you are using curriculum that is having a positive impact on your program, or if you see updates that are needed, let us know. The world has changed over the past fifty years and we need to remain current and relevant.

As I say goodbye in my role as Interim President, I do so with a few tears. I implore you to make one more investment – that of praying for our new president and our national staff.

Together we are, indeed, stronger. This is a circular partnership worthy of your money, your time, your knowledge, and your prayer. As you partner with the national office, so the national office partners with you. Connected with each other.

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