• God
  • Others
  • the Need
  • the Legacy

In the previous two newsletters we discussed two CONNECT points – connecting to God and connecting to others. In this edition we take a look at connecting to others, specifically connecting to each other within the Teen Challenge community.

The scripture teaches that as the body of Christ we are not designed to walk this journey alone but rather as a unit, a team. This principle applies to not only the specific body of Christ to which you are a part of, but to the Teen Challenge family, at your local center and around the U.S. and the world.

We are all healthier people and more effective in our ministry when we have healthy relationships in our lives. As a “loner” individual or a “loner” Teen Challenge ministry, isolating ourselves from others, whether by design or neglect, we risk becoming unhealthy and dysfunctional.  By disconnecting we can give an appearance of superiority; “I don’t need or want to be around other TC staff members. We have this thing figured out. We don’t need them.” Or, we may be perceived as simply apathetic.

I realize that the perceptions that others have of us should not determine our actions, but we should take an honest evaluation of ourselves and our leadership and ministry to ensure we have not isolated ourselves.  If we have, we must begin to take steps to change and to step out of our box. Am I or is my center in a cocoon? Am I on an island? Do I and my staff network with other TC staff members and similar ministries? We must be intentional about connections.

There are significant benefits to meeting, knowing and fellowshipping with TC colleagues, including:

  • Project  partnership
  • Resource sharing
  • Networking
  • Sharing and learning best practices and fresh ideas
  • Encouragement
  • Inspiration

How can we be intentional about making connections within the Teen Challenge community?

  • Conferencesare a great place to make first contact. To get to know people and initiate long term partnerships. Very few ever attend a conference and do not go away more inspired and encouraged with a fresh vision and fire!
    • Regional – taking place in 2013. Check out connect.tc for the latest updates.
    • Teacher Training Conferences – usually 4 per year. You can host a conference for your area. Email me for information.
    • National Conference  – next conference takes place in 2014
    • New Director’s Conferences – Annually in the spring.
    • Call – call a fellow director to hear how he or she is doing and to encourage them. Call to get their input and ideas. When you make a connection call each other to discuss ideas and even struggles. Pray with one another.
    • Visit – visit and observe another ministry to learn and partner.

We must connect the staff that we work with every day and strive to work together as a team. We have a healthy effective ministry only as we function in unity.

  • Together we are more effective.
  • Together we are stronger.
  • Together we reach higher heights.
  • Together we achieve greater goals.

Carefully consider the thoughts of these verses:

And in him you too are being built together to become a dwelling in which God lives by his Spirit. Ephesians 2:22 (NIV)

He makes the whole body fit together perfectly. As each part does its own special work, it helps the other parts grow, so that the whole body is healthy and growing and full of love. Ephesians 4:16 (NLT)

Think about it:

  • How healthy are your relationships?
  • What steps will you take this week to build healthy relationships?
  • How healthy is your team?
  • What steps can you take to begin developing a healthy team?
  • Do you have relationships with TC staff members from other centers?
  • How can you start or improve on these relationships?

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