Before you speak, seek…

My late husband Mac and I began working for Teen Challenge in Cape Girardeau, Missouri in the 1980’s. It didn’t take very long for us to begin to understand (sometimes the hard way) that this was an entirely different culture that we were being immersed into.

Reverend Herb Meppelink was the director at the time. In one of the first staff meetings we attended I remember him making a statement to the effect that, “all new staff need to wait six months before making any suggestions.” This sounded like a harsh statement at the time. However, after being a director and working in the Teen Challenge “culture” for many years I understand the reasoning behind these words.

Although Brother Mepp never fully articulated this statement. I believe the following practices express the spirit of Brother Mepp’s philosophy.

Before making any new suggestions seek first:

  1. To Observe—Many times merely observing for a time can eliminate numerous questions and suggestions and generates more understanding.
  2. To Listen—“…be quick to hear and slow to speak…”James 1:19 (or listen at least twice as much as you speak).
  3. To Serve— “…whoever wants to become great among you must be your servant.” Mark 10:33 (be familiar with your job description and fulfill it to the best of your ability).
  4. Humility—“Humble yourself under the mighty hand of God…” 1 Peter 5:6. (God is the one who gives the increase not our doing).
  5. To Understand—by asking questions, (only to understand, not to judge). “Judge not that you be not judged…” Matthew 7:1 “…People look at the outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart.” I Samuel 16:7

These are sound principles and not difficult to agree with, especially when we want to see others carry them out. When these principles are practiced they breed respect, integrity, honesty and understanding. However, I have also found they are easily overlooked and forgotten. It is much easier to have an opinion about a circumstance before seeking to have an understanding of the whole situation.

When we work with others no matter what country, culture, ministry or setting; whether we are the new-be or we have been working in the ministry for many years, let us remember to “Seek first the kingdom of God…” Matthew 6:23, for this is first and foremost God’s ministry.

Challenge: Let us be aware before we speak, what we seek.

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