Author: Allen Turley

Is there a God? Pt. 2

In honor of Frank Reynolds’ 90th birthday, celebrated this past Sunday, I want to take the opportunity to share one more brief section from Frank’s

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Is there a God? Pt. 1

Frank Reynolds, the father of the Teen Challenge discipleship program, celebrates his 90th birthday on September 11th. Frank is one of only a handful of

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Speak Blessing

My dad passed away when he was only 58 years old. I was 38 at the time. The last months of his life I was

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“And, fathers, do not provoke your children to anger; but bring them up in the discipline and instruction of the Lord.” Ephesians 6:4 (NASB) “Fathers,

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Turn Off the Noise

Switchfoot has a song entitled “Adding to the Noise.” The first line says, “What’s it gonna take to slow us down, to let the silence

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People Left Jesus’ Program Too

Unfortunately, students leave the program for many different reasons:  blaming you, telling you God has told them it was time to go, health reasons, spouse, kids,

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