“You will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” (John 8:23)

It’s Jesus’ promise to our Teen Challenge students–the promise that they will live triumphantly. But what keeps them from really walking in the joy of the Lord? The powers of darkness attack them daily. But, as Dr. Neil Anderson shows in Victory Over the Darkness, they can have the power to conquer them by knowing who they are in Christ. In this book, they will learn how to:

  • Realize the power of their identity in Christ
  • Free themselves from the burdens of their past
  • Stand against the spiritual forces of this world
  • Win the battle for their mind
  • Become the spiritual person they want to be
  • Discover the truth about God’s view of them

Victory Over the Darkness spells out practical and productive ways to experience Christian growth based on Christ’s promise. Learn to apply the truths of Scripture as a base from which to renew their mind and become the person Christ empowers them to be.

There is also a study guide available and in this bestselling study guide, Neil Anderson poses thought-provoking questions for personal reflection or group study that will help them learn how to grow in the strength and truth of their identity in Jesus Christ. The answer to their question, Just who are they? They will be changed forever by Victory Over the Darkness and this study guide.

Click here to order your copy of the book today
Click here to order your copy of the study guide today
Click here to order your copy of the DVD today.

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