For the past twenty years Too Busy Not to Pray has stood as a classic on prayer, helping Christians all over the world slow down to draw near to God. During those years, the world certainly hasn’t slowed down. If anything, the pace, intensity and number of distractions have only increased. Brokenness and pain seem to have increased as well, with news of civil war, poverty, broken families and sex-trafficking touching us daily. We see this daily with our Teen Challenge students when they first enter our doors.

The urgent need for prayer is clear, but busyness has kept many of them from finding time, or even knowing how to pray. Two truths haven’t changed in twenty years: God is the same powerful, just, holy God He’s always been; and true prayer – prayer that changes them and allows them to participate in God’s work in the world – can’t happen on the fly. So Bill Hybels once again offers our Teen Challenge students his practical, time-tested ideas on slowing down to pray.

Revised throughout and including a new introduction and new chapter on prayer and compassion for the world, this twentieth-anniversary edition of Too Busy Not to Pray calls both young and old to make prayer a priority, and will help broaden their vision for what our eternal, powerful God does when His people slow down to pray.

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