Take control of your anger, so that it never again controls you! In this updated edition of their bestseller, esteemed Christian counselors Carter and Minirth walk Teen Challenge students through a 13-step program of interactive lessons, thought-provoking exercises, and stimulating questions to help you handle your anger, restore healthy emotions, and live a happier, more satisfying life. 256 pages, softcover from Nelson.

Most people stereotype anger by assuming that it always results in shouting, slamming fists, or throwing things. However, anger is not that one-dimensional. In fact, all of the statements below represent feelings of anger.

  • When I am displeased with someone I shut down any communication and withdraw.
  • I get very tense inside as I tackle a demanding task.
  • I feel frustrated when I see someone else having fewer struggles than I.
  • There are times when my discouragement just makes me want to call it quits.
  • I can be quite aggressive in my business pursuits or even when just playing a game.

This workbook helps Teen Challenge students overcome these lies and their anger, so that they can have the healthy relationships God wants for them.

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