SaveOne is a Bible-study program/workbook designed to help men and women deal with the trauma of abortion. As facilitators of SaveOne we have witnessed the most common symptoms to abortion trauma in women are alcohol and substance abuse, use of antidepressants, self-esteem issues, the inability to bond with current children, and recurring nightmares/flashbacks.

In men the most common symptoms to abortion trauma are anger (bordering on rage), alcohol and substance abuse, pornography addictions, and workaholism. Many of our current societal issues would naturally be dealt with if we got to the root of the problem which oftentimes is an abortion experience somewhere in their past.

When we insert ourselves in to God’s role and make decisions of life and death for another human being, the aftermath is more than we can handle. That is why many men and women turn to outside sources to numb their conscience and try to ease their pain. SaveOne is a simple, easy-to-follow guide through God’s Word helping those who have made the choice of abortion, be restored and set free.

SaveOne’s facilitator training is an easy-to-follow, carefully planned video guide and
manual, teaching you how to conduct a SaveOne abortion recovery class. The basic
foundation for the class is the restoration power of Jesus Christ. You will learn directly
from Sheila Harper, the founder and president of SaveOne.

Click here to order your copy of the book for women today
Click here to order your copy of the men’s study today
Click here to order the facilitator training today

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 SaveOne is a Bible-study program/workbook designed to help men and women deal with the trauma of abortion. As facilitators of SaveOne we have witnessed the

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