The author of Ecclesiastes was familiar with many of our own modern-day obsessions–wealth, power, prestige, and pleasure. These are ever-present earthly desires that Teen Challenge students often struggle to reconcile with their desire to grow in relationship with God. As students grapple with these issues, the book of Ecclesiastes encourages us to act on faith, to trust God completely in all things, to let Him deal with our “vanity of vanities,” and bring us “under the sun” of his beauty and grace.

Much more than a book of often-referenced quotations, Ecclesiastes teaches us that fearing God, keeping His commandments, and maintaining a close, personal, intimate relationship with Him are the most important things we can accomplish in our lifetimes.

The Nelson Impact Bible Study Series is designed to broaden your knowledge and understanding of the Bible and to draw you into a deeper relationship with God. In each study guide, you will dive deep into the messages of the Bible and emerge with a fresh perspective and deeper knowledge of what God wants to share with you through His Word.

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