You don’t have to pretend you have it all together—when you don’t! Dr. Crabb’s bestseller encourages you to take an honest look at your innermost struggles and bring them before God. Only then can you be set free from them, and experience a truly fulfilling Christian life. This anniversary edition includes a new preface and final chapter. Includes a 12 week study guide at the back of the book.

Spiritual growth involves change. Becoming more like Christ and less like our old selves. But occasionally we fill in with a little pretending. A touch of “how we should be” to cover up how we really are.

The problem is, real change will never occur until Teen Challenge students decide to live honestly and allow God to expose self-protective patterns. Only then will they gain the freedom to love and experience a genuinely fruitful ministry for God.

That’s what Inside Out is all about. Designed for individual or small-group use, this study guide will challenge and motivate you to apply the principles in Inside Out to your life–giving real change an opportunity to grow.

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