Many people that come into Teen Challenge experience emotional injury, fear, shame or pride and their first impulse is to hide the hurting parts of themselves from God, others and even themselves. Often they have learned these hiding patterns during childhood to protect themselves in a threatening environment. The problem is that when they hide their injuries and frailties, they isolate themselves from the very things they need in order to heal and mature. What served as protection for a child becomes a prison to an adult.

In Hiding From Love, Dr. John Townsend helps them to explore thoroughly the hiding patterns they have developed and guides them toward the healing grace and truth that God has built into safe, connected relationships with Him and others. They will discover:

  • The difference between ‘good’ and ‘bad’ hiding.
  • Why they hide the broken parts of their souls from the God who can heal them.
  • How to obtain the joy and wholeness God intends them to have through healthy bonding with others.

Hiding From Love will take them on a journey of discovery toward healing, connected relationships, and a new freedom and joy in living.

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