Teen Challenge students can learn more about the wealth that is available to them in Jesus Christ through this exciting Bible study series. On their own or in a group they can discover what it means to be a Christ-centered disciple, how to develop Christian character, how to have victory over sin, and how to grow toward maturity in their daily walk with God.

DFD 1 Your Life In Christ
By NavPress

Billions of the world’s people go through life spiritually under-nourished. The words Jesus spoke centuries ago are still true–“Man does not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God” (Matthew 4:4). Because they recognize this need in their lives that only God can satisfy, more and more people are turning to serious study of the Bible. Everyone needs to study the Bible–both those new to the Christian faith and those who have known Christ for many years.
This workbook covers the following topics:

  • God cares for You
  • The Person of Jesus Christ
  • The Work of Christ
  • The Spirit Within You

DFD 2 The Spirit-Filled Follower of Jesus
By NavPress

Have you realized that you have a personal tutor at your side as you study the Bible? He is always available to help you understand what it means and how it applies to you. He is the Author of the Bible–the Holy Spirit. Jesus Christ said the Holy Spirit would ‘teach you all things,’ and ‘guide you into all truth’ (John 14:26; 16:13).

This study helps Teen Challenge students consider how to live a Spirit-filled Christ-centered life and considers the following topics:

  • The Obedient Christian
  • God’s Word in Your Life
  • Conversing with God
  • Fellowship with Christians
  • Witnessing for Christ

DFD 3 Walking With Christ
By NavPress

The abundant wisdom and riches God has provided in his word are available to every Christian, but they are possessed only by those who diligently seek them. Meditation and prayer are two keys which unlock this storehouse of God’s wisdom as Teen Challenge students study. Prayerfully meditating on the verses they look up will help them understand their meaning and application for life. This study will consider:

  • Maturing in Christ
  • The Lordship of Christ
  • Faith and the Promises of God
  • Knowing God’s Will
  • Walking as a Servant

DFD 4 The Character of a Follower of Jesus
By NavPress

Character is defined as “moral excellence and firmness.” God’s desire for our lives involves inner qualities as well as outward behavior. Therefore, it is imperative to learn what Scripture says about the character of the Christian. The five areas of Christian character to be studied in this course are:

  • The Call to Fruitful Living
  • Genuine Love in Action
  • Purity of Life
  • Integrity in Living
  • Character in Action

DFD 5 Foundations for Faith
By NavPress

Book Five investigates these five areas:

  • Who is God?
  • The Authority of God’s Word
  • The Holy Spirit
  • Spiritual Warfare
  • The Return of Christ

As Teen Challenge students understand biblical truth on these subjects, they will begin to see things more from God’s point of view. This will help them grow in their faith, recognize struggles in their own lives, and allow them to deepen in their walk with Jesus.

DFD 6 Growing in Discipleship
By NavPress

Sharing with others should be one of the main by-products of personal Bible study. When Teen Challenge students share the truth they will find that it changes their own life even more. So as the Lord reveals to our students new truths or personal applications, they should make a point to pass them on to others. This study will help students grow in discipleship by addressing the following topics:

  • What is a Disciple?
  • The Responsible Steward
  • Helping Others Find Christ
  • Follow-up
  • World Vision

DFD 7 Our Hope in Christ
By NavPress

Bible study is a personal adventure. It is a means of intimate friendship with the Lord, a fellowship that satisfies the heart and changes the lives of Teen Challenge students. This study will teach students how to study New Testament books chapter by chapter. They will gain a grasp of Bible study principles that will enable them to continue this kind of study as a lifetime habit.

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