Learn when to say yes and when to say no – to your spouse and to others – to make the most of your marriage. Only when a husband and wife know and respect each other’s needs, choices, and freedom can they give themselves freely and lovingly to one another. Boundaries are the ‘property lines’ that define and protect husbands and wives as individuals. Once they are in place, a good marriage can become better, and a less-than-satisfying one can even be saved. 

Boundaries in Marriage will help our Teen Challenge husbands and wives understand the friction points or serious hurts and betrayals in their marriage – and move beyond them to the mutual care, respect, affirmation, and intimacy they both long for. Boundaries in Marriage helps couples:

  • Set and maintain personal boundaries and respect those of their spouse
  • Establish values that form a godly structure and architecture for their marriage
  • Protect their marriage from different kinds of ‘intruders’
  • Work with a spouse who understands and values boundaries – or work with one who doesn’t

Click here to order the workbook

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