Introduction: The Uniqueness of Jesus
Jesus Christ is the subject of more than 300 Old Testament prophecies. His birth nearly 2,000 years ago, and events of His life had been foretold by many prophets during a period of 1,500 years.This free resource walks Teen Challenge students through an introduction to who Jesus is and what makes him different from other gods or religious figures. It will help build students up in their faith and help them understand Him more.

Step One: The Christian Adventure 
To believe in Jesus Christ as the Savior of the world is to believe in a living person. People will often ask, “What is the meaning of belief?” The Christian Adventure defines this and talks about what it means to live as a Christian. Teen Challenge students will benefit from this free resource.

Step Two: The Christian and the Abundant Life
The Christian life is a personal intimate relationship between Teen Challenge students and Christ. This life begins in faith (Ephesians 2:8-9) and can only be lived by faith. Faith is another word for trust. We trust our lives to Christ’s keeping because He has proven Himself trustworthy by His life, His death, His resurrection, and His abiding presence–His unconditional love. This free resource walks students through what it means to live entrusted to Christ.

Step Three: The Christian and the Holy Spirit
In this lesson, Teen Challenge students will study biblical evidence proving that the Holy Spirit is a real person who loves and cares for them. They also will discover why He came and how He can make a difference in their lives. This free resource will help students better understand the ministry of the Holy Spirit and how He can help them in their Christian walk.

Step Four: The Christian and Prayer
This study will help Teen Challenge students grow in their understanding of prayer. They will learn why it is is so important to the Christian life, and how they can have a strong prayer life, like Jesus did. This free resource will give students practical suggestions for planning their devotion times and how they can pray with power.

Step Five: The Christian and the Bible
In this lesson, Teen Challenge students will study the various names of the Bible, survey its construction, and gain insights that will make your own Bible study more meaningful. This study considers the authority of Scripture, the power of God’s Word, and private Bible study methods. This free resource will benefit Teen Challenge students as they grow in their walk with God.

Step Six: The Christian and Obedience
This study will help Teen Challenge students as they learn to hear God’s voice. It will help them understand how to discern God’s will in difficult situations and in making decisions about the future. This free resource will consider what it means to live in obedience to God and fully surrendered to Him.

Step Seven: The Christian and Witnessing
Jesus Christ’s last command to the Christian Community was to make disciples. This command, which the church calls the Great Commission, is the responsibility of every man and woman who professes faith in Christ as Lord. This free resource will study why we witness, the example Jesus set for us, qualifications for witnessing, how the Word of God and prayer helps us witness, and the role of the Holy Spirit in the witnessing process.

Step Eight: The Christian and Giving
As Christian stewards Teen Challenge students should realize that in Christ “we live and move and have our being” (Acts 17:28). The objective of this lesson is to surrender everything we have to God because we can rest in His ownership of all. This free resource highlights the stewardship of everything that has been given to us to steward, because God ultimately is over everything. This free resource will help Teen Challenge students understand why we give and how to trust God with their resources.

Step Nine: Exploring the Old Testament
This lesson focuses on the origins of man and sin and the results of the fall. As Teen Challenge students study, they will consider the story that unfolds in the Old Testament. They will look at God’s prophets, tabernacle, law and grace, and how the events of the Old Testament impact their daily lives. This free resource will help students grow closer to God and develop a stronger relationship with Him.

Step Ten: Exploring the New Testament
The Gospel of Matthew is the link between the Old and New Testaments. Matthew wrote to the Jews to prove that Christ is their promised Messiah and the eternal king of kings and Lord of lords. This free resource will help Teen Challenge students to consider the New Testament and how it relates to Christian life today.

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