A Discipleship Ministry: Training Phase Curriculum – Part 6

As previously discussed, Teen Challenge utilizes the Group Studies for New Life in Christ (GSNL) curriculum in the induction phase (the first 4 months) of its programs and the Personal Studies for New Life in Christ (PSNL) in the induction phase and some for the entire length of the program. Click here for GSNL article. Click here for PSNL article.

However, the subjects that are covered in the training phase group classes are at the determination of each individual Teen Challenge center. What classes are being taught in the training phase of your program? How do you determine what should be taught during the training phase? What topics should be covered? What issues need to be addressed? When is the last time your curriculum and classes were evaluated? Our culture has changed considerably in the past 10 to 20 years and so have the resources that are available. Do we dare peer out of our box and see what is available and appropriate for addressing the needs of our students?

Here are four considerations when evaluating new or existing training phase courses:

Are we being strategic with the classes we teach or are we choosing topics just because we like them or are just because they are convenient?

  • What is the focus need being addressed in each class?
  • What is the desired outcome of each class?
  • What are the desired outcomes of the entire course of study?
  • What are the key issues a student needs to address prior to graduation?
  • What areas of a student’s thinking need to be reprogrammed with biblical understanding?
  • What about the students who return for restoration? What do they believe caused their downfall? Can those issues be addressed in curriculum prior to graduation?

Brainstorm ideas together with your staff and strategically plan what you will be teaching.

Needless to say, it is important for our students be grounded on a solid theological footing, but does theology prepare them for dealing with the realities, pressures and temptations of the day-to-day grind they will face once they walk out the door? Is the student able to make the connection from what they are learning to how it applies to them here and now. Even though many students may choose to be in full time ministry once they graduate, most will not. Is our goal to prepare them to be theologians or is it to help them face the world they will return to with strength, character and faith. Is what we are teaching relevant to them now?

Are we helping the student connect the dots from knowledge, to understanding, all the way to application? Do they understand how the lesson applies to them, to their specific situations and circumstances. Do they understand the behaviors, attitudes, and thoughts that need to change and the steps they need to take to change and grow? Can they apply what you are teaching to their lives?

As you cover the topics that are needed in the student’s life they are confronted with truth. Are the truths they are learning, the weaknesses they see in their lives and the changes they see that need to occur causing them to cry out to God? Are the students driven closer to God, depending on him for his direction and purpose for their lives, for his power to change and grow and for his strength to succeed? “I can do all things…”, how? “Through Christ.” It is only as we behold him that we are truly changed. – 2 Corinthians 3:18 We are, after all, a discipleship ministry.

Think about it –

  • Consider the questions in the article. Discuss them with your staff.
  • What resources and topics do you utilize that benefit the students? There are a lot of good ideas out there.

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