Formerly known as “Global Youth Evangelism.”
We can recommend these lessons with one important caveat! Many centers use these materials as part of their PSNL lessons materials. They are very inexpensive and a beneficial addition to PSNL. Each lesson has very thought provoking questions and the questions include some application reflection. However, the lessons lack significant personal reflection and application. We believe it is very important that students understand how the scripture is relevant for them today and that they see how they can apply it to situations in their lives. Good reflective questions help them with the reflection application process. Each booklet has several lessons. We recommend a few questions at the end of each lesson in the booklet.
Some recommended question ideas:
- What is an important truth you learned from this lesson?
- How does what you have learned apply to you now?
- Tell how this study has changed your ideas or beliefs.
- How will this impact your attitude and behavior in the future?
- What will you do differently from this point on?
- Write a prayer to God asking for his help in living out what you have learned.
Click here to see a form you can use or as an idea to create your own.