Anchors and Adventures

Teen Challenge is a tough ministry. There have been many times that I was ready to throw in the towel. There were a few seasons when the “I’m quitting,” feelings lasted for a number of months. I felt fruitless in my efforts. I felt the burden was too heavy to carry; the stress was too great. There have been some really tough times; regret, doubt, fear, anger, resentment, frustration, and weariness.

If you are hoping for some story of God’s instantaneous miraculous intervention on my behalf you are going to be disappointed. It just didn’t happen.

What has held me, not just to Teen Challenge but to faith? There are anchors that helped to hold me steady.

One anchor is the moment that God called me to Teen Challenge. I can take you to the place and almost the exact spot I was standing when God spoke to my heart with a supernatural peace and told me that I was going to Teen Challenge.

The transformed lives of students are another anchor. I see those students now married, with children that they are raising to follow Christ. Generations have been impacted. That is an anchor that continues to grow.

Matthew 25:45 “Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.” (NIV)

I truly believe Teen Challenge is a “least of these” ministry, and therefore is where the heart of God is. That is an anchor for me.

But, those are not the primary anchors that have held me steady. In my weakness and struggles I have always felt there is only one place I have to go and that is to Jesus. I have prayed, cried, asked forgiveness and fasted. In His presence I have found peace and hope that sustained me. Sometimes it was just a day at a time. There were days, weeks and at times even months, that I felt nothing but I said, “God I still trust you.”

Anchored in the belief that He was the only place to go, the only one to go to, there have been many times when God challenged and encouraged me through a verse, a friend, a thank you from a former student, or a word spoken to my heart by the Holy Spirit.

One of those moments when God challenged me was when I had gone through a lengthy dry time, wondering where God was — a time I was discouraged and wanted to quit. In that time I was challenged in my faith that God owed me nothing. Jesus gave His life for my salvation. Period. That’s it. He owes me nothing else. It was a point of transformation for me. “God, if I never sense your presence again, if I never see a student saved, if I never see another miracle, I still owe you my life.” When, I prayed that prayer God did a work in my heart. A fresh wave of His love and grace swept over me.

That was just one transformational moment in my life. There are many others; moments when God spoke to me in a still small voice and my hope and strength were renewed. My life verse has been Isaiah 40:31

“. . . but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.” (NIV)

Knowing that He is my strength and crying out to Him, seeking His presence has been my anchor.

Every TC staff member will come to a point when the feel that quitting is the best option. Ask any director and they can tell you their breaking point. Almost without exception, they can point to a time when they considered quitting. And, almost without exception, when they paused and listened to the still, small voice, the underlying cause of their desire to leave was some change they needed to make to stay obedient to God—a step in their own personal discipleship.

So, before you decide that quitting is your best option, pause, cry out to God and listen to the still, small voice. A word from Him, that will become an anchor for you. He loves you enough to use the pressures and faith building experiences to draw you into intimate relationship with Him, to mold and shape you into His likeness. Be sure you don’t prematurely step out of His plan to refine you and miss out on the great adventure He has for you.

Following Christ has been a great adventure thus far for me and I believe greater things are yet to be seen and experienced in and through Him in the ministry of TC around the world. Your anchors and transformational moments will be different than mine. You are on your own adventure with God and He will do the work in your heart and life that needs to be done. But HE must be your anchor! HE must be the place to where you run. Cry out to HIM! HE is your hope and strength. A great adventure awaits us!

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