Remembering Brother Dave with John Castellani

David Wilkerson’s ministry imparted to me a positive faith for God and His workings in the hearts of man. The Bible verse that best describes David is Hebrews 11:6:

And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to Him must believe that He exists and that He rewards those who earnestly seek Him.

I saw this firsthand when I was privileged to be the executive director for the Training Center in Rehrersburg Pennsylvania, affectionately called The Farm.

He would come and share with the students, staff, and alumni at an outdoor amphitheater setting called Celebrate. One year, he asked if he could bring busloads of people from New York City for a picnic. If I’ve learned one thing in life, it’s that when someone of his stature makes a request of you, you say, “yes sir” and give it your utmost best. T

he first year, 40-some air-conditioned buses arrived filled with people who really knew only one thing: They were going to the country for fun and food at no cost to them. Naturally, the center staff was to provide the best quality picnic food and the sweet corn had to be the best quality. When Brother Dave arrived, the first order of his agenda was to check the sweet corn; everyone relaxed when it met his standards.

Once I talked with a lady and her family about the trip and she said, “All I heard was that buses were provided for anyone who wanted to go to the country for a picnic.” This to me was proof positive of the love and generosity of the heart of the man we all refer to as “Brother Dave.”
He did this the following year as well. This time there were 89 coaches filled with New Yorkers for a picnic somewhere in the country of Pennsylvania. The Celebrate tradition continues today, but it won’t be the same without Brother Dave’s visit.

To me, David was a private man, with a deep love for God, and a personality that you would read about in the Bible. He was also a personal, kind friend. One evening I was going through one of the darkest experiences of my life and I received a personal phone call of encouragement around 10:30 from Dave. He said God spoke to him and gave him a word for me. I will cherish that word for as long as I live. His passing makes it all the more meaningful.

David was a man with an extraordinary faith in God. One who loved God and man with deep passion, a friend of God, a friend of mine, and a friend of the hurting and the needy. One whose faith and works will live long after his time with us as the founder of Teen Challenge. Brother David, thank you, we love you. My prayer is that as I come behind you, I too will be found faithful.

John Castellani is former President of Teen Challenge, USA, and state director.

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