Hidden in Plain Sight

How frustrated would you be if you went to the store, bought a whole bunch of stuff that you thought you needed, and got back home, only to realize you already had what you needed? It’s the same dilemma we face daily in ministry as leaders. Would you be surprised if I told you we already have what we need. You pray and pay for more resources that will help our students when all along you have a free library of valuable resources already available that can help your students grow in faith and character.

Are you using it? It’s RightNow Media @ Work, the “YouTube” of Christian discipleship and leadership resources. Many of us have been sent the invite to join RightNow Media @ Work but we are unaware of the potential and influence it can have on a student’s life and how it might benefit you and your family. It’s the most relevant teachings presented in a way that is current and on trend with the technology of today.

The name says it all. It’s all here, right now. It’s a smorgasbord of information (in-depth studies, teachings, conferences, interviews). You can search by topic, theme, or author. A number of the teachings come with additional resources that can be downloaded and printed. There are even opportunities to personalize assessments and guide questions. From topics like leadership, and discipleship, to mental health, recovery and finances, this platform offers information that is relevant to everyone.

I had a student who I knew was struggling with codependency issues and even though our curriculum touched on the topic, this student still needed help to really break free from the unhealthy mindset. RightNow Media @ Work offered exactly what was needed. I assigned the student an in-depth study on the topic. The study incorporated video teachings that were broken down into thematic segments, scriptural studies, and higher-level analytical and reflective questions that helped the student to dig deeper into the root issue and finally experience freedom.

For years, we have wanted a modern relevant way to engage our students. We have even desired this for our own personal growth. We wanted and needed something to speak directly to an area we were struggling with during a season in our life.

RightNow Media @ Work is a platform that churches across the America are using today so that their members can stay connected and current with spiritual resources and continue in the growth of their faith. Why wouldn’t we use it? Why wouldn’t we take full advantage of what is right in front of us? Our students deserve the best.

RightNow Media @ Work is provided for you and your students FREE OF CHARGE by the Adult & Teen Challenge USA National Office.

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