Anger is a universal human experience. For many of Teen Challenge students, it is the single greatest challenge in every area of their lives. They have been taught that anger itself is either a sin and should be avoided at all costs, or that it is the only way to gain power and control. However, anger is also understood to be “nature’s way” of preparing man to respond in times of danger. How then do we go about teaching our students to bring this volatile emotion under the Lordship of Jesus Christ?

Gary Chapman gives us the perfect tool to answer this and many other questions in Anger: Taming a Powerful Emotion. In this book, he takes a fresh look at the origin and purpose of anger. Asserting that anger is rooted in the holy nature of God, he reverently explains that anger flows from God’s holiness and love.

Gary draws on his extensive counseling experience to instruct our students how to positively process their anger. This will help them to create and further cultivate healthy relationships. Helpful study questions conclude each chapter that can be used for group or personal studies.

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