Life can be hard–and for those who struggle with depression, it can sometimes seem too hard to cope with. So why do so many traditional treatments and texts fail to provide real help to those in such critical need?

It can be extremely difficult to overcome these feelings of hopelessness, even with professional help. It can feel as if nothing short of a miracle of God could ever affect your life in a positive way.

Don’t Jump! It’s Only a Bump  is collection of success stories, first hand knowledge, straight talk, and author Dave Heyl’s signature “Gold Nuggets” of Biblical wisdom, inspiring readers to strengthen their faith in Jesus Christ, through whom all things are possible…including living a fulfilling, rewarding life!

If you order 10 or more directly from the author, Dave Heyl is offering them at a discounted price of $5.00 each (free shipping in the USA) to Teen Challenge centers. For questions, comments, or placing your order please email:

TC Endorsements for Don’t Jump It’s Only a Bump

CR Kersten: TC Director

“I have read Dave’s Book and have found Don’t Jump It’s Only a Bump, to be very helpful with those facing anxieties. He can identify with them as he has faced depression and suicidal thoughts himself. What makes it especially beneficial is when he teaches from his book and adds personal illustrations for class discussions.”

Duane Smith: TC Grad and Christian Leader Endorsement

“Dave is a man of God’s Word and a man of faith. And it was his faith in God that carried him day to day and gave him the courage to rise again from his personal devastation. Not every day was easy. And not every day was he in the best place emotionally regarding his outlook on the future. But he leaned firmly on God’s Word and dared to believe what the Scriptures said about him and his future. He knew that God would not abandon him and if he continued to persevere in his faith things would get better. Don’t Jump It’s Only a Bump outlines his personal journey. At its core it is a book of hope and spiritual optimism. It is a book that reminds us that regardless of our past or our mistakes, we are never out of the game as believers. Our mistakes do not have to define us. Our past doesn’t have to determine our future. Quitting is not an option. If we have faith in God and are willing to believe in His Word then our challenge and mistakes are only bumps we must overcome on the road of life.

This is a great read for both new believers and mature believers alike. It is a book of encouragement, and who can’t use encouragement? It also challenges the reader to take tangible steps to embrace God’s Word and also be an encouragement to others around you. I think it would be a great addition to the resource toolbox of Teen Challenge programs.” – Duane M. Smith

Student Endorsements

Don’t Jump It’s Only a Bump helped me identify some of my individual struggles as well as a simple plan of solution to deal with my depression.” – Daniel M.

Don’t Jump It’s Only a Bump is a very inspiring book, sharing real life stories and how the Holy Spirit was Dave’s guide to battling depression, the book has been a really good spiritual guide for me in times of depression. It has helped me know where to go in the Bible and learn what is real and important in life.” – Mark M.

Don’t Jump It’s Only a Bump is a helpful and uplifting guide to identifying the signs of depression in my own or in someone else’s life. Dave does a great job at relaying his personal thoughts and experiences about suicide and depression. I would recommend this book to anyone who has a family member or is personally dealing with depression in their lives.” – Matthew A.

“When I first started reading Don’t Jump It’s Only a Bump it caught my attention right away. To the point where I could not put the book down. I found it very helpful in many different ways. Dave’s book touches on parts of the Bible that help me with my daily life.” – Travis W.

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