8 Gifts You Can Give To Your Students That Cost Little Or No Money

  1. Speak blessing – look them straight in the eye and speak a truthful blessing into their lives.
  2. Hug them like you really mean it.
  3. A card- write an individual, hand-written (not computer printed) message that speaks encouragement and blessing specifically to that student. It can be a handmade card or even just a letter.
  4. Do something for them, i.e. do their chore one day.
  5. Patiently teach them about something you know how to do. Of course, make sure they want to learn it.
  6. Let them teach you about something they know how to do and you don’t.
  7. Time and attention – take the time to hang out with just one student. Buy them a cup of coffee somewhere away from the center and listen to and learn about them.
  8. Write a verse on a card that will speak into their lives. On the back side write why you thought of this verse for them and what it says to you about them.

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