Homework Manual for Biblical Living: Personal & Interpersonal Problems Volume 1
By Wayne Mack / P & R Publishing

Teen Challenge Counselors needing specific assignments to give individuals seeking practical helps for their own struggles will welcome Wayne Mack’s homework manuals. This first volume deals with personal and interpersonal problems in over thirty categories such as anger, blame-shifting, communication, dating, finances, obesity, pride, sex problems, sleep, suffering, thought patterns, and work. Dr Mack presents a wealth of scriptural information for solving problems in each area covered.

Homework Manual for Biblical Living: Family & Marital Problems Volume 2
By Wayne Mack / P & R Publishing

In this volume, Dr. Mack sheds biblical light on family and marital problems. He offers assignments for husbands and wives and for parents and children on topics such as communication, developing common interests, marriage evaluation, child rearing, and family religion.

A Christian Growth and Discipleship Manual: A Homework Manual for Biblical Living – Volume 3
By Wayne A. Mack & Wayne Erick Johnston / Focus Publishing

A large collection of short Bible studies and inventories on a variety of subjects related to Christian living and discipleship. Workbook is designed to help people grow in their Christian lives and assist them in Finding God’s solutions to various problems they encounter in life. Useful in personal discipleship, biblical counseling, parenting, Bible study groups, accountability and growth in marriage, and general spiritual growth.

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